Public Records & Privacy Policy

Public Records and Confidentiality

In 2006 the Film Institute became an organization whose information is governed by the publicity principle, except for records within the support schemes based on the Film Agreement (1963-2016). In order for the Film Institute’s records to be regarded as a public, they must be received and/or filed within the Film Institute. Information created or received before 2006 are not public domain. Records and materials included in our film archival collections or submitted for care, research purposes or technical storage to the Film Institute's collections are also deemed not to be subject to this policy. Typical public records may include applications for support, reports, decisions or tenders in public procurement. Drafts or preparatory notes, on the other hand, generally do not constitute public records. All public records may be requested by the public and we are required by the publicity principle to administer such requests “in an expeditious manner”. Although a record is public it is still subject to The Publicity and Privacy Act (2009: 400) which regulates what information should be public and what information is to be confidential in a public record. Any information subject to confidentiality is reviewed by the Film Institute every time someone requests to take part of our records.

How to submit a request for public records
If you want to request to take part of a public record, you can contact any of our employees or our registrar. Write “Request for public record” in the subject line.

Preserving and archiving records and documents
To secure their longevity and availability to the public the Film Institute is required to preserve and archive public records in a well-structured fashion according to the Archive Act. In addition to our film archival collections, we also archive other records relating to our organization, such as information and records produced within the support schemes of the Film Agreement.

Research services and non-public documents
The library at the Film Institute receives and handles requests for research on materials that have been deposited with or donated to the collections or documents in the Film Institute's non-public archive. Whether or not such a request is approved depends on the extent and content of the records.

Fee for copy of documents
Based on the Fee Regulation (1992: 191), the Film Institute will charge a fee for copies of documents provided through our research service and for copies of requested public records. Documents may be read and transcribed on site at the research services facilities free of charge.
