Finance, Analyses, HR, Law, Buildings and IT
Human Resources and Law
The Swedish Film Institute's Human Resources department deals with all personnel matters, such as recruitment, induction, employment law and working environment issues.
The unit for law works, among other things, with issues relating to agreements, procurement and rights.
Finance and Analyses
The Finance unit deals with wages, agreements, purchasing, rights and royalties. It supports the various departments in terms of budget and performance evaluation.
Analyzes developments in film production and film consumption in Sweden, as well as the place of film in the media and in wider society.
The Swedish Film Institute Foundation owns the Filmhuset building and buildings in Rotebro and Grängesberg. The Film Institute shares Filmhuset with other film/arts companies and organisations which rent parts of the building.
The IT unit is responsible for the operation, support and development of the Film Institute's IT environment.
Published 16 August 2023