Production funding for film projects – international co-productions
This funding aims to strengthen the collaboration between international producers and Swedish production companies, and to increase opportunities for international financing and the dissemination of international film in Sweden.
Who can apply?
The funding targets the Swedish production sphere, and the application must come from an established Swedish producer. A Swedish producer refers to a person who, on the date the funding is granted, is permanently resident in Sweden, or a legal entity or branch of an international company which, on the date the funding is granted, is registered with the relevant authority in Sweden.
What can the funding be used for?
Production funding is available for film projects in which the Swedish producer is not the principal producer.
What are the conditions?
The amount applied for must not exceed 80% of the Swedish share of the financing. The total Swedish share of the financing must be in reasonable proportion to the Swedish production costs.
The Swedish producer must be responsible for the Swedish artistic, technical and financial aspects of the co-production.
See also the General Terms & Conditions.
When and how can funding be applied for?
There are three (3) application opportunities per year, with an administration time of five (5) weeks from the deadline. Applications must be submitted by post.
Application dates for feature-length film 2021: 15 February, 3 May, 18 October.
International co-productions relating to documentary film and short film are dealt with by the relevant Film Commissioner. Applications for these projects may be submitted at any time throughout the year.
The following must be included with the application:
- A copy of the script
- A collaboration plan between the Swedish producer and the principal producer (to include both previous and future collaborations)
- The director’s vision
- The producer’s vision
- A written specification of Swedish creative and technical involvement
- A budget in SEK, specifying Swedish spending in a separate column
- A financing plan in SEK with a separate specification for Swedish investment, incl. LOI/LOC. The majority of the principal country’s financing must be in place when funding is applied for. Please also include a financing plan with a status indication for each item.
- A distribution plan for Sweden (cinema and TV/VoD), incl. LOI/LOC and/or agreement
- A timetable
- Links to the director’s previous films
- A cast list
How applications are assessed
Funding will be awarded based on a collective assessment of the following factors:
- Artistic quality
- Long-term creative and financial collaboration between the Swedish and international producer.
- The proportion of Swedish artistic and technical involvement in the production. Artistic involvement refers e.g. to: script, directing, cinematography, set design, editing, sound design, composing and cast. Technical involvement refers e.g. to: post-production, key team functions, location.
- Distribution (cinema or nationwide TV distribution/VoD)
The selected project should support the goal of achieving an even gender distribution over time among the main creative functions. Special consideration will be given to productions intended for children and young people, as well as broader representation.
How decisions are made
The application is processed by a council comprised of a Film Commissioner for feature-length film, a production controller and the Head of Production Funding or Film Funding. The Swedish Film Institute’s CEO makes the final decision on funding following the recommendation of the council.
How the funding is paid
Documents as per the ‘International co-production checklist’ must be submitted before the deadline ahead of the decision meeting. Payment can be made once the production funding agreement, other financial agreements and distribution agreements are in place, along with an official requisition.
Funding will be paid on receipt of an official requisition, in five parts:
- 15% on signing the production funding agreement
- 15% on receipt of the agreements on co-production, financing and distribution
- 40% when shooting begins
- 25% when the film is screened to the Film Commissioner well in advance of the final edit, upon which a written report on the project’s financial status must also be provided
- 5% on approval of the final accounts and of the documentation material and back-up material.
Funding accounts
Accounts for the funding must include:
- Financial accounting of the film’s production costs as compared to the agreed production budget, as well as final financing as compared to the agreed financing, with own investment specified separately. For international co-productions, the accounting of the overall budget (budget summary and detailed in SEK) must be approved by the principal country’s film institute. As for the Swedish spending (budget summarized and detailed in SEK), the financial accounts must be scrutinised by an auditor in line with ISA. For films with funding of less than SEK 500,000, scrutiny by an independent accounting consultant is sufficient. Any saving in the final production cost in relation to the approved production budget may entail a reduction in the amount of funding. If the entire funding amount has been paid, the Swedish Film Institute may ask for some of the amount to be refunded. It is the responsibility of the producer to keep separate, specific accounts relating to the film project. The Swedish Film Institute shall be entitled to view the financial accounts for the film.
- Delivery of back-up material to the Swedish Film Institute’s archive. Contact for further information.
- Delivery of documentation material to the Swedish Film Institute library. Contact for further information.
- A report showing the gender distribution among producer, scriptwriter, director and main cast.
The final accounts and back-up material must be submitted to the Swedish Film Institute no more than six months after the film’s official premiere.
Return on investment
The Swedish Film Institute requires a percentage return on its investment, i.e. a proportion of the producer’s overall earnings from the film on all viewing platforms worldwide. Payment of the return shall begin once the producer’s total earnings reach 135% of the private equity approved in advance, and 100% of pre-sold licences and minimum safeguards. The amount of the return shall be proportionate to the funding’s total share of the production costs. The producer shall report all earnings to the foundation on an annual basis. The obligation to pay a return shall cease when the full funding amount has been reimbursed or five years after the film’s premiere, whichever comes first.
Decided by the Board of Directors of the Swedish Film Institute, 4 December 2017.
Lina Norberg Johansson
Head of Talent/Int. co-productions/Controller Moving Sweden
Phone: +46 8 665 12 27
Published 21 April 2023