Internationell lansering och distribution

International distribution support

This support scheme aims to increase opportunities for Swedish feature length fiction and documentary films to obtain international distribution, while enabling increased revenue made possible by this distribution.

Deadlines for International distribution support

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis in our digital application service. It is possible to apply as soon as you have a set release date. The application needs to be submitted minimum 30 days prior the set release date. Please also note that the support scheme is platform neutral. 

The processing time for applications for international distribution support and international launch support, as well as requests for international festival distribution will be extended during the holidays. No processing will take place during December 16, 2024 - January 7, 2025. Applications submitted between December 13, 2024 to January 6, 2025 will be processed from January 7, 2025.

Who can apply?

The grant is awarded to film distributors who are registered and working in markets outside of Sweden.

What type of support is available?

The intention is to support the release of Swedish films either in a single or in numerous markets outside of Sweden. Release implies any viewing and promotional materials, campaigns and marketing-related expenses. These expenses must be clearly specified.

What are the conditions?

The grant is only available in relation to the release of Swedish films – with a minimum duration of 60 minutes – for distribution outside of Sweden. In order to meet the application requirements for this support, a film must supply a Certificate of Origin stating its Swedish origin. The main producer of the film must be Swedish, and the Swedish contribution to the production of the film, in terms of creative collaboration and workforce, must be substantial. The Swedish Film Institute has the power to issue a Certificate of Origin.

The grant should be considered an extra resource enabling a more robust film release. The distributor should not account for this funding as a cost related to the rights holder (sales agent/producer) in the P&A.

Distributors may only apply for support for films that have been completed in the past three years, calculated from the date of the international premiere, or if the film has yet to screen internationally, from the date of its Swedish premiere, from the time the application is submitted.

Those distributors granted support are required to credit the Swedish Film Institute as a distribution support agent in all markets for which they have received funding.

When and how does the application process occur?

Application has to be made via the Swedish Film Institute's digital application service (link at the end of this page). Ensure that all required documents, i.e. release and marketing plan, release and marketing budget and budget estimates, are submitted at the time of application.

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis. It is possible to apply as soon as you have a set release date. The application needs to be submitted minimum 30 days prior the set release date.  

The maximum awarded amount per film and country/territory is SEK 250,000. The term territory implies that the film is sold for distribution in a number of countries, for example the Nordic countries or North America. The maximum total amount of support a film may be granted (in all countries/territories) is SEK 1,000,000. The minimum amount to apply for is SEK 25,000. The distributor must match the support granted by the Swedish Film Institute. When calculating the distributor’s matching funds, this amount may not include funding from other external institutions, such as Creative Europe.

How are applications assessed?

Support is allocated based upon the release and marketing plan, and budget estimates as well as the film itself. The following factors will impact the decision-making process:

  • The release is closely connected to the film and its intended target group(s).
  • The release and marketing plan as well as calculations are credible.
  • The release and marketing plan has been developed by distributor in collaboration with the sales agent/producer.
  • The support would substantially increase the film’s potential to reach its audience.
  • The budget estimates are credible.

What is the decision-making process?

Each application is processed by the Swedish Film Institute’s International Department. Final decision is made by the CEO of the Swedish Film Institute.

How is the support paid out?

The grant is issued to the film’s Swedish producer, and is paid in two instalments. 75 % of the approved grant is paid within 14 days after the Swedish Film Institute has received a copy of the long form agreement between the distributor and the sales agent/producer as well as other required appendices (see below). The remaining 25 % is paid once the Swedish Film Institute has received an approved tax declaration of the grant as well as other required appendices (see below).

How is the funding declared?

The distributor verifies and accounts for expenses by supplying certified invoice copies. A written analysis of the release and marketing of the film, as well as substantial statistics (e.g. admissions, VOD viewings, festival screenings, information on sub licensing deals, press clippings, et cetera) for analysis and additional follow-up – with verified and certified data – should also be supplied at this time.

The abovementioned accounting documentation must reach the Swedish Film Institute within six months of the film’s premiere. The Swedish Film Institute withholds the right to call the distributor, producer and sales agent into a financial assessment meeting.

All account reporting to be submitted via specific forms.


In the event that a film which has been granted support is not released within the time frame stated in the application, either the entire funding amount or part of it may be reclaimed. Repayment of the entire grant – or a portion of it – can be demanded should the distributor veer from the original plans provided with the application, either the release and marketing plan or the budget estimate.

Please also refer to the General Conditions (generella villkor).

Required appendices

At the time of application:

  • Applicant distribution company Certificate of Registration.
  • Main production company Certificate of Registration.
  • List of films released by the applicant in the past two years also stating release platform and total box office and admission figures.
  • Certificate of origin of the film this application pertains to.
  • Release and marketing plan.
  • Release and marketing budget.
  • Estimate on budget of results.

In the event that your application is approved, the following will also have to be submitted to receive the first 75 % of approved grant:

  • Copy of contract between producer and sales agent.
  • Copy of long form distribution agreement between sales agent and distributor.
  • Proof of minimum guarantee payment (when applicable).

In order to receive remaining 25 % approved grant:

  • Certified invoice copies relating to the release and marketing of film applied for.
  • Written analysis of the release and marketing of the film.
  • Substantial statistics (e.g. admissions, VOD viewings, festival screenings, information on sub licensing deals, press clippings, et cetera).
  • Budget of results. 

Theo Tsappos

Festivals, Feature Films

Phone: +46 8 665 11 33

Sara Rüster

Festivals, Documentary

Phone: +46 8 665 11 41

Melissa Jonsson

Administrator, International Distribution

Phone: +46 8 665 11 52
