Registered patrons can access databases by logging in with Swedish personal ID no and password.
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Ebscohost Film & Television Literature Index
This database contains journals and books. All the articles and book chapters are indexed and searchable, both through descriptive keywords and in the full text. However, not all indexed articles are available in full text, but as we usually have a printed copy of the journals, you can request the printed journal from closed stacks.
*Full text content also searchable through Primo.
Also available in Ebsco Mobile App. Download from Appstore or Google Play.
Log in to Ebsco Mobile App:
1. Open the App and tap Get Started.
2. Tap the search box to find your library - Svenska Filminstitutet.
3. Select your institution from the list and click Next.
4. Tap Continue to allow the app to continue to sign you in.
5. Log in using Swedish Personal ID no. and password.
Databases from Proquest
The Proquest platform gives you access to several different databases, listed below. The link above will take you to a search including all databases. If you prefer to narrow your search you choose one of the links below. Once at the platform you can adjust your search as you please.
*Full text content from Proquest is also searchable through Primo.
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (EIMA)
An archival research resource containing scanned journals on film, media, theatre and music (1880-2015). US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Issues have been scanned in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of articles, covers, ads and reviews. Titles include Variety, Screen International, Film Weekly, Picture Goer and Boxoffice and many more.
Screen studies collection
This collection consists of the four titles below.
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals offers coverage of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals and also a selection of Reference volumes and the linked full-text of over 60 journals. Most indexed articles not available in full text can be requested as printed journals from closed stacks.
Treasures from the Film Archives
The Treasures from the Film Archives is a database containing credits and holdings information about the silent-era film holdings of film archives from around the world.
AFI Catalog
The AFI Catalog covers the history of American cinema from 1893 to 1993 with full or short records for films from 1994 to 2015. Every film produced on American soil or by American production companies is indexed from the birth of cinema to the present day. New records are created by the AFI editorial team and added each year.
Film Index International
Film Index International is produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute. Film Index International provides international coverage, indexing films from over 170 countries.
Bloomsbury Screen studies
Screenplays, critical, contextual and practical books on films and filmmaking from the late nineteenth century to the present (Bloomsbury and Faber Screenplays and Criticism), expert overview articles on key themes, and an interactive timeline of cinema history to enhance contextual understanding.
*Book titles searchable through Primo.
Schirmer encyclopedia of film
This database is actually more of a digital encyclopedia, providing a comprehensive and accessible introduction to film and film studies, covering such aspects as production, national traditions, studios, genres, critical theory and film history, as well as recommendations for further reading.
*Also searchable through Primo.
Primarily references (some full text) to articles in Swedish journals and papers. Some 2,4 million references dating back to 1979, with daily updates resulting in cirka 20 000 new references yearly.
Full text database containing millions of articles from daily papers and magazines. Among many others - Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgs-Posten och Svenska Dagbladet. Search interface available in English.
Free databases
These resources do not require login.
The Swedish Film Database
The Swedish Film Database is the Film Institute's own database. Here you can search for information about all Swedish feature films since 1897, all international films that have had Swedish theatrical premieres, a large number of Swedish short, documentary and television films. The database also lists the Film Institute's collections of films, scripts, posters, stills and archival objects.
LUMIERE is a free database, from The European Audiovisual Observatory, which provides a systematic compilation of available data on annual admissions to films released in European cinemas since 1996. Admissions data comes from a wide variety of sources, including national film agencies and statistics offices, distributors’ and exhibitors’ associations and inter-industry bodies. This is supplemented and completed by data from the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union on the basis of the declarations made by distributors to its Automatic Distribution Support scheme.
Lumiere VOD
LUMIERE VOD is a directory of European works (film and TV content) available on on-demand services in Europe. Find the services and countries where a film or a TV content is released on VOD, and combine search criteria to create lists of available films by director, country or year of production and available TV content by country of production.
Published 24 January 2024