Watch films through the Library
The Swedish Film Institute Library offers DVDs for home loan, and the possibility to watch at the Library itself.
DVDs for home loan
The Library has a wide range of DVDs for home loan available in the Library. These can also be loaned remotely within Sweden. You may check out 10 DVDs at a time. The loan period is two weeks, and you may renew each title for two months as long as no one else has reserved it. If the film you’re looking for is already on loan, you can reserve it free of charge.
Watch films in the Mini Cinema
The Library features a Mini Cinema where you can watch the older Swedish films that have been digitised by the Swedish Film Institute and more recent films that have been supported by the Swedish Film Institute. The Mini Cinema is equipped with a large screen, good sound and five comfortable armchairs.
Note! It is also possible to watch the library's other DVDs in the Minibion. For all loans, you need to book a time and film at the loan desk!
How to book the Mini Cinema:
- Swedish films that received film support between 2009 and 2018 are usually available on DVD. Search for and request the DVD in Primo and contact us to book an appointment.
- Digitised films and films supported from 2018 onwards are available digitally. Specify which film or films you want to see when booking.
- If you want to watch the library's other DVDs in the Mini Cinema, book an appointment and borrow the DVD as usual.
In all cases, the Mini Cinema is booked via the loan desk Please contact us if you have any questions, for example about a specific film!
Published 26 February 2024