Our digitization

Selection and Technical Guidelines


Films are selected for digitization by an Editorial Committee comprised of Swedish Film Institute personnel, and they consider factors such as children and young people's film, female creators, variation of rights holders, and different eras. The Editorial Committee works with an external reference group comprising representatives from Stockholm University, the Swedish Federation of Film Societies, the National Library of Sweden and the Swedish Federation of Film Critics.

Which films are digitized?

On Svensk Filmdatabas you can search and find all digitized Swedish films under the label "Digitaliserad Film". (Note that it's all in Swedish)

On the English version of Svensk Filmdatabas you can also find all digitized Swedish films with English subtitles under the label "Promoted Film" - "Classics": The Swedish Film Database.


In our work to digitize the film collections and make them accessible, we want to work with and support other parties also involved in helping film to reach the general public. As the Film Institute now has the opportunity to digitize films on a larger scale, we set aside a proportion of the films being digitized every year for rights holders, who may request digitization of films that they plan to release and distribute. For question regarding this, please contact lova.hagerfors@filminstitutet.se.

Technical Guidelines

The Swedish Film Institute has also drawn up a policy on how digitization takes place: the guidelines that govern the process with regard to the choice of starting material, and audio and image processing. The project's aim is to produce high-resolution digital masters, from which Digital Cinema Packages (DCP) can be made. Also from the digital masters, material can be produced for TV screening, DVD/BluRay release, VoD services and more, by the rights holder for each film. The aim is for the result to be as similar to the original as possible.
