Film statistics
We collect statistics on film consumption in Sweden. You will find data on cinema admissions for films released in Sweden since 1965 in our dynamic statistic tool. Consumption in other viewing sites are presented in our publication Facts & Figures.
In our dynamic statistics application you will find admission numbers for films that had a Swedish cinema release between 1965 and 2021. Choose a film title, a production country, a release year, an actor, a director, a screenwriter, a producer, a distribution company or a production company - and you will see a total number of admissions and a top list. The admission figures are presented using Qliksense, a responsive and interactive program that works on all devices.
The application is in Swedish and contain these words:
Filmtitel = Film title
Produktionsland = Production country
Premiärår = Release year
Skådespelare = Cast
Regissör = Director
Manusförfattare = Screenwriter
Producent = Producer
Distributör = Distributor
Produktionsbolag = Production company
Besök = Admissons
Published 06 September 2017