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  1. Bild på pausruta ur filmen Gone with the wind.

    No streaming service in 2024


    Due to economic reasons, the Cineasterna streaming service will not be available to our patrons during 2024. 

  2. Helena Ekdahl (Gunn Wållgren) läser Strindberg för Alexander (Bertil Guve) i Fanny och Alexander (1982).

    Read articles and e-books from home!


    The Library makes it easier to access articles, databases, and e-books that we provide to our patrons. From today on, you can reach all our electronic resources even when out of the Library. Just log in to our catalogue Primo with your regular credentials (i.e., Swedish ID number and password) – that’s it!

  3. Book cover

    Swedish Biograph and The Springtime of life


    Welcome to listen to Jan Olsson talk about his new book The Life and Afterlife of Swedish Biograph. The film company Svenska Biografteatern was central to the early Swedish success with directors such as Victor Sjöström and Mauritz Stiller. But the history of the company is far more than it’s directors. The talk is followed by a screening of The Springtime of life, with live piano.

  4. En man skriver

    The Library to open August 17


    We welcome visitors starting August 17. Due to Covid-19 our reading spaces will be limited, and we ask everybody to keep your distance and avoid queuing.

  5. Filmhusets fasad

    New library system in December


    December 10 the library will change from our old library system to a more modern version. The work with implementing the new system has been our main task these last six months, and we’re happy to be close to the finish line.

  6. Screen epiphanies


    In Screen epiphanies filmmakers tell us what film was their filmic revelation. Share their experiences and check out the films.

  7. Magazines for sale


    Soviet film or Who's who in Hollywood? Sight & sound or Prèsence du Cinéma? They're yours for a small sum.

  8. Christine Vachon visits Drömfabriken


    The american producer Christine Vachon visits the inspirational weekend Drömfabriken. Take the opportunity to read her books and what's been written about her.

  9. Library on the road


    The Library's temporary branch during the Gothenburg Film Festival spreads the message - you don't have to live in Stockholm to take our books home!

  10. Italian horror on DVD


    Five horror movies in the Italian giallo genre has been released on DVD. Swedish publishers Njutafilms has released four and Studio S two versions of Dario Argento's Profondo Rosso. The movies are all available in the Library.

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